- You have 7 days (from the date of receipt) to request your return and 14 days to return your unwanted item back to us
- All items are meticulously checked for flaws, signs of use and non authenticity prior to being listed for sale. We have photographic documentation to support this
- All items must be returned in the identical condition they were received and must also be returned in the original protective packaging to prevent any damage during postage
- Any tags or labels attached must still be attached when returned
- Items must be returned using a tracked and insured service with insurance that covers the value of the item you originally ordered
- You are responsible for any items until they are received back with us
- Please take care of any items in your possession prior to returning and take care when handling and trying any items on
- Please allow 5 working days for re-authentication and processing once we receive the item back
- Any items returned that do not meet the terms of our returns policy will not be accepted
- Please contact us using the contact us form within 7 days of receipt with your name, order number, the item you wish to return and the reason for return, prior to returning any items. We will then contact you and provide you with a unique returns code
- Once you have received your returns form and unique returns code please fill out your return form and include it in your parcel
- Your item(s) must be received by us within 14 days
- Items must be returned back to us in identical condition as received and in the original packaging to prevent any damages during delivery
- You must return any items using a tracked and insured service with insurance that covers the value of the item you originally ordered
- As soon as any items are received you will receive an email notification
- Once we receive the item(s) we require 5 working days for re-authentication and processing
- Once your return has been processed we will contact you via email to advise and we will issue your refund back to the original payment method
- Please note credit card refunds may take up to 5-7 days to appear on your statement